Dec 29, 2007

Indonesia-ku... Indonesia kita...

Menyambut tahun 2008, Pemerintah RI melalui Departemen Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata, mencanangkan Program Visit Indonesia 2008 dengan tema Celebrating 100 years of National Awakening.

Kalau mau tahu selengkapnya tentang Program Visit Indonesia 2008, silahkan klik web ini.


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This advertising slogan as you know has an embarrassing history. It started out as "100 Years of Nation's Awakening" and was changed to its current form because of the blantant grammatical error. Even in its current form it has been criticised as being inappropriate as a slogan to promote tourism. Arie, you have every reason to feel proud of Indonesia and what it has to offer tourists, but this current advertising campaign is amateurish and unprofessional.

arie said...

yes Pak Sean, thanks for the input for that tagline. yup, i just realize that after read it twice.